
Open-Air Maze

The new concept: maze pathways can take you into the "open air"; that is, the open space around the maze.



Zack said...

Hey, these are great! I've been drawing these types of mazes for about 4 years now (since I was in 6th grade) and the only thing I haven't been doing that you do is draw the lines where there is an underpass. That really helps the maze to flow as well as allow for crazy formations and whatnot. I started drawing a maze like this in school today so I think I'm going to start a blog for my mazes. Thanks for the inspiration, although I don't think I can make anything as amazing as this!

Zack said...

And I can't figure this out. I'm actually getting lost in this maze, which is something that did not happen with the mazes I draw. But I'll keep trying. :)