Probably one of the awesomest of my mazes, and one of the ones I spent the most time on. Again, I draw the circles freehand without tracing or using a compass. The pattern is meant to represent ripples from drops of water flicked in a pool.
This was very fun to draw, but I had to touch it up a lot afterward to straighten the lines (I don't always use rulers either). I love tesselations and other geometrical oddities like the work of M.C. Escher.
Colored Version (not my favorite, but it might be easier to see)
I had this one in my head for a long time before I managed to draw it. It was going to be bigger, but turned out to be so complicated to draw that I decided to keep it small. Again, I drew these circles freehand without any compass or tracing.
I come from an artistic family, and have drawn mazes since I was about 12. My first "Segovia Maze" happened on a family trip to Segovia, Spain, where I decided to make some paths go under others. To make it clear that they weren't just dead ends, I stuck some little marks in and I've continued doing it this way.